Search contents

You can easily filter your content by a search keyword. For this you need to first prepare a SearchDialogueRequest payload by importing it.

import 'package:dialogue_wise/DTOs/search_contents_request.dart';

Next, set the slug, accessToken and the keyword that you would like to filter the content on.

var request = new SearchContentsRequest();
request.slug = '<Provide Slug>';
request.accessToken = '<Provide access token>';
request.keyword = '<Provide search keyword>';

Then all you need to do is to call the searchContents method using this payload.

var dialogueWiseService = new DialoguewiseService();
var response = await dialogueWiseService.searchContents(request);

That’s it! You will now get a response which will contain all the matching content.

For mode details on the implementation, please have a look at the examples available on Github.